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All About Stretch Marks

Stretch marks or best-known as Striae atrophicae in dermatology, are normal in most boys and girls. Overstretching of skin, due to weight gain during puberty, pregnancy, muscle development, or fat accumulation, might lead to occurrence of these stretch marks that are ugly scars appearing on the skin like fine lines with off colored tinge.Although our skin is quite elastic yet regular overstretching might lead to these marks. Breasts, thighs, hips, abdomen, and buttock are the chief areas that tend to show these stretch marks. Your health is not at any kind of risk due to these stretch marks. In addition , you don’t have to compromise with any body functions due to these stretch marks.

Stretch Marks’ Causes
Although our skin is reasonably pliant, overstretching might perturb the normal creation of the connective tissue building protein, collagen, in your body. At one point, overstretching breaks the elasticity of skin that causes the appearance of scars in the form of fine lines known as stretch marks.

Main reasons for the evidence of stretch marks are:
Stretch marks generally occur as a result of rapid increase in weight. Because of increased weight, the skin is stretched to an extent that crosses its elasticity.As the skin stretches, fine lines show up on the skin in the form of stretch marks.

During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a phase involving physical and hormonal changes. Within the second and third term of being pregnant, when the body starts to gain an extra weight, stretch marks in the form of fine lines on the skin of abdomen appear.

Caused by hormonal changes happening during the process of puberty, some teenagers often gain an extra weight. Because of this, the accumulation of fats leads to the event of stretch marks due to stretching of skin.

Muscle building
Sometimes, muscle building results in an extra an increase in weight on upper arms. This additional weight leads to expansion of skin leading to formation of stretch marks’ scars.

Signs of Stretch Marks
Stretch marks refer to scars of fine lines appearing on the skin. Gradually these marks heal up leaving behind the marks of stretch marks. These stretch marks will often be red or purple lines when they begin to appear but these get lighter thereby attaining a silvery white color and becoming less noticeable over time. These scars or lines feature a texture that is quitedistinctive from that of normal skin surrounding them. The areas showing stretch marks often appear empty and are quite soft to touch.

For all those facing the embarrassment of stretch marks, many helpful creams and teatments have been introduced. Various home treatments can also be applied to eliminate these stretch marks. Also, latest technology has introduced laser treatment to solve the problem of stretch marks. Along with these treatments, there are numerous ways by which you can prevent the occurrence of these stretch marks.

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